Join us for a Memorial Mass on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 at 6:00 pm (candle lighting ceremony will begin after praying the rosary at 5:30 pm). This Mass will be for anyone you many have lost this year or for any family member or friend that you would like to honor.
All Saints Day is Friday, November 1st. Masses will be held at 8:30 am and at 6:00 pm. The Feast of All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation, and all Catholics are required to attend Mass on that day (unless there's a serious reason, such as illness).
You have one more opportunity to get your photo in our new Parish Directory! If you missed out on getting your photo taken and would like to still be included in our book. you can go to:
Clinton Road Baptist Church, 4512 Van Horn Rd, Jackson, MI
Call Customer Serice @ 419-522-5011 to schedule your appointment. Let them know you are from Our Lady of Fatima, Michigan Center, Church Code: MI 1921.
YOU MUST CALL AND MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT FIRST! If you have any questions, please call Linda in the Parish Office.
Mark you calendars! Fatima Fall Fun Night is Sunday, October 27th from 4:30 - 9:00 pm
- Trunk or Treat @ 4:30pm
- Food served @ 4:45pm (hot dogs, cider & donuts)
- Bonfire from 6:00 pm — 9:00 pm
All ages are welcome to wear costumes. We need cars with treats for the kids (only pre-wrapped treats please).
Set up in the front parking lot. Bring a lawn chair for the Bonfire.
Join us for Life Chain this Sunday, October 6th from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Our peaceful prayers and public witness are necessary now more than ever. Our Lady of Fatima parishioners will be standing on the north side of Michigan Avenue between S. Wisner and S. Bowen Street.
This month we remember the unborn in our prayers. Every year parishes from the Lansing Diocese are encouraged to offer Holy Hours, especially praying the Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament, for the ending of this procedure in our world. For the week of October 6-13, we will designate our weekly adoration times to this cause and add an extra time on Sunday, October 6th.
Catholics are called to participate in elections by evaluating candidates with a conscience formed by the truths of the faith. The Michigan Catholic Conference website provides numerous resources to Catholics in Michigan who are preparing to vote in the November 2024 election.
Please join us on October 12th from 4-8 pm in raising funds to help Bill Turner's family, long-time parishioners Tom (& the late Sue) Turner, with medical and travel expenses as he battled cancer.